Learn by doing! | Superstar motivation
Learn by doing, become a master of your fieldYou can read as many books as possible on how to fly a jet, a formula one car or how to paint art. How...
Read moreSitting on the floor while working can have multiple physical and mental health benefits. Studies have shown that it can help reduce back and neck ...
Read moreSuperstars accelerated their returns, development and achievement.Following on from "seeking a mentor"- "constantly learn". For example, when learn...
Read moreKaizen is the Japanese word for continual improvement. It's a concept that's used in many disciplines, from martial arts and sports to business.Sup...
Read moreHow you define your pleasure defines your success Immediate pleasure can be a distraction, an empty entertainment that passes the time. Absolute p...
Read more" Superstars seek the perfect mentor." When seeking a mentor, it is important to think about the skills and knowledge you need to acquire in order ...
Read moreAs Leonardo Da Vince once said. "One can have no smaller or greater mastery than the mastery of oneself." You can reach your goals when you take ...
Read moreProductive weapons