002_How you define your pleasure defines your success

How you define your pleasure defines your success

Immediate pleasure can be a distraction, an empty entertainment that passes the time. Absolute pleasure comes from overcoming challenges and feeling confident in your abilities. It comes from achieving goals, conquering fears and pushing yourself to levels you never thought possible. When you define your pleasure as something that requires effort, dedication and hard work, success is inevitable.

When you put in the work and push yourself to new heights, it's hard not to succeed. You'll be proud of what you've accomplished and experience a sense of fulfilment that surpasses any immediate gratification. It’s why so many successful people are able to stay dedicated and motivated even when the going gets tough - because they know what real pleasure feels like when they reach their desired destination.

I hesitantly recommend the book "Mans Seach for meaning". I do warn that it is not for the faint hearted and you will need time to recover from the emotional rollercoaster.

Motivation quote, how you define your pleasure defines your success.

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